Mike Nichols, State Trustee
Brother Nichols has been an FOP member since 1987. He is the State Trustee for the Mobley-Giles-Willis Fraternal Order of Police Lodge in Savannah. He has served in every office within the Lodge except President.
Brother Nichols served the Savannah Police Department from 1981 to 2013 with distinction and retired as a Sergeant.
Brother Nichols is also an active Freemason. He is a 32° KCCH mason, a twice Past Master of Clinton Lodge No. 54 and current Secretary for Coastal Daylight Lodge No. 750. He is the current Master of Research Lodge No. 1 of Savannah, and an Alee Shrine Roadrunner. He is the incoming President of Hunter Chapter 502, National Sojourners, Inc. and the outgoing Commander of Georgia Hussars Hero's of 76' Camp. He is a member of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon and the Societas Rosicrusiana in Civitatibus Foederatis. He has held many positions within these organizations.
Brother Nichols is also the President of the local Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club chapter (2000-2024) and a member of the Savannah Baptist Temple Church.
Brother Nichols served in the United States Air Force (1973-1979) and retired from the 165th Security Police Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard (1980-1995).